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Debate Info

Affirmative Negative
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
More Stats

Argument Ratio

side graph
 Affirmative (5)
 Negative (5)

Debate Creator

Akulakhan(2984) pic

This debate has ended. You can no longer add arguments or vote in this debate.

General Rules and Structure

Each person provides an argument, alternating from the affirmative position. 
 •The first argument, for each debater, will be the Opening Argument. 
 •The second and third will be rebuttals. 
 •The forth and final will be a Closing Argument. 
 •The Createdebate community will vote for the winner by means of upvoting and supporting specific arguments. Each upvote not backed by a supporting argument will be disregarded when considering the final score. Downvotes will also be disregarded.

Below will serve as an example


Side Score: 5
Winning Side!


Side Score: 5
1 point

Opening Argument

Side: Affirmative
1 point

Rebuttal 1

addresses Negative opponents opening argument and makes other points

Side: Affirmative
1 point

Rebuttal 2

addresses Negative 1st Rebuttal argument and makes other points

Side: Affirmative
1 point

Rebuttal 3

addresses Negative opponents 2nd Rebuttal argument and makes other points

Side: Affirmative
1 point

Closing Argument

quick recap, final statement to persuade voters

Side: Affirmative
1 point

Opening Argument

Side: Negative
1 point

Rebuttal 1

addresses Affirmative opponents opening argument and makes other points

Side: Negative
1 point

Rebuttal 2

addresses Affirmative 1st Rebuttal argument and makes other points

Side: Negative
1 point

Rebuttal 3

addresses Affirmative 2nd Rebuttal opening argument and makes other points

Side: Negative
1 point

Closing Argument

quick recap, final statement to persuade voters

Side: Negative