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RSS Akulakhan

Reward Points:2984
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Hey go to the FD page and read the rules and you'll get a good grip of it.

4 points

 Closing;, I'd like to remind everyone that the bible is a book with a troubled history, a bloody, expensive, and worldly significant history. This is no longer the case. The bible is now a work that is worshiped by an ever retreating number of people in private affairs. The remnant legislature that Christianity has held behind is withering away by the year, and the bible's relevance in society today, tomorrow, and days after, is effectively nonexistent.

I'd like to thank Atypican for being awesome and at least amusing the idea of a formal, structured debate. That makes you a badass in my book.

3 points

Simply untrue; the relevance of something is not determined by it's existence and popularity. It's determined by it's significance in a certain framework, that framework being in this debate "today" (the modern age). The bible only slows or stunts the progression of society with it's inconsistencies and absurd claims on morality, history, and justice, that ultimately get enforced into laws. Christianity is currently defending, with the bible, the overwhelming opposing force that is our collective modern understanding of the world. It's only a matter of time before the bible is wholly disregarded as hoopla in all but a select few groups. In this way is the bible irrelevant, because it is due to not be significant.

3 points

Since there are still many churches today with pastors who preach to their trusting congregations from the bible, I would say that the bible is still a relevant piece of literature today.

Relevant in the sense that, yes, it's still around... but that isn't really what we're debating. We're debating it's relevance to society and culture in the modern era. Ultimately, without the bible, we would be no worse off, perhaps even better off . It spreads antiquated mythology that is presented as fact, those "facts" are believed, and laws are enacted to enforce and preserve them. Those laws end up hindering progress. We'd be better off reading off the Odyssey as fact, at least that's a fable with some historical significance; my point being that the bible is easily disregarded as just one of many religious relics that society is awkwardly outgrowing.

I could come up with other reasons that it is still relevant, but I don't think my opponent can successfully refute this single point so I will end here and go address his opening argument.


3 points

 Perhaps you've heard of the bible. It's an anthology pseudo-poetry collaborative effort by any number of writers a thousand plus years ago; of whom all claimed to be transcribing the word of God; of what is a mythical creature attributed with having created life, the universe, and everything; of which is the subject matter of the bible - the New Testament of which is noteworthy as being the best selling sequel anthology presumably until the anticipated release of "Annotated Works of E. L. James, The" in the near future.

 The;bible has spawned a large cult following with fans, whom prefer to refer to themselves as "Christians." Christians believe the bible to be the living word of God (see above), and so take it as a guide by which to judge do's and don't's, to derive empirical facts, and by which to deduce absolute truth. However, since the creation of the bible, the world has gotten a lot better at science and general judgement, and through these have we debunked the bible in nearly it's entirety, rendering the bible no longer relevant today.

1 point

Closing Argument

quick recap, final statement to persuade voters

1 point

Rebuttal 3

addresses Negative opponents 2nd Rebuttal argument and makes other points

1 point

Rebuttal 2

addresses Negative 1st Rebuttal argument and makes other points

1 point

Rebuttal 1

addresses Negative opponents opening argument and makes other points

1 point

Opening Argument

Displaying 4 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Negative vs. Affirmative
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved

About Me

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all it's contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we would voyage far. The sciences, each straining in it's own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piercing together of diccociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."

Biographical Information
Name: Chris(topher) King
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 00000
Education: Some College

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